Mohamed Montasser, Developer in Cairo, Egypt
Mohamed is available for hire
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Mohamed Montasser

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Cairo, Egypt
Toptal Member Since
October 5, 2022

Mohamed is a professional front-end developer with 3+ years of experience in building web applications using React, Redux, and JavaScript. He is experienced in building RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. He is also familiar with the latest technologies, such as GraphQL and React Native. Mohamed worked on websites at a global scale, developing features focused on performance and scalability. He is a quick learner, always eager to learn new technologies and improve his skills.


Pelmorex Corp
React, Node.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, ECMAScript (ES6), Next.js...
Envoy Technology
JavaScript, React, TypeScript, Front-end, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Next.js...
Lululemon Athletica
JavaScript, Sass, Jest, Redux, Next.js, GitLab CI/CD, React, GraphQL, Scrum...




Preferred Environment

React, Tailwind CSS, Windows, Express.js, TypeScript, Next.js, PostgreSQL, Prisma, MySQL, Sass, SQL, Docker

The most amazing...

...thing I've done is fully developing high-priority features from the ground up quickly by refactoring the app's unused parts.

Work Experience

Front-end Developer

2023 - 2023
Pelmorex Corp
  • Developed and maintained The Weather Network, a high-traffic website with millions of visitors.
  • Accelerated the migration and development of the website to enhance both the developer and user experience.
  • Guided many decisions to improve the team's processes and speed.
Technologies: React, Node.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, ECMAScript (ES6), Next.js, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Development (CD), Test-driven Development (TDD), Web & Mobile Applications, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance Testing, Terraform, Jenkins, Agile, Amazon CloudFront CDN, AWS Lambda, Jest, Styled-components, Contentful, Front-end Development, Responsive Web Design (RWD), DevOps, Testing, User Interface (UI), Videos, Webpack, GraphQL, API Integration, Storybook, Cypress, Flux, Axios, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WCAG 2, SEO Tools, Web, Headless Software, NPM, Maps

Front-end Developer

2022 - 2022
Envoy Technology
  • Investigated and fixed multiple bugs on the different websites of the client.
  • Analyzed and Identified the process of running and deploying each web app for a marketing solution.
  • Documented the building and deploying process of all of the client's web apps.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, TypeScript, Front-end, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Next.js, CI/CD Pipelines, Docusaurus, Documentation, Technical Documentation, CSS, AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), JSON, ECMAScript (ES6), Web & Mobile Applications, Front-end Development, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Testing, User Interface (UI), Videos, API Integration, Flux, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web, NPM

Front-end Developer | Freelance Contract

2022 - 2022
Lululemon Athletica
  • Developed high-priority features from the ground up using React and Sass for global audiences. Also, I tested these features using Jest.
  • Collaborated with an agile team of professional developers focused on problem-solving and delivering new quality features.
  • Worked on features with a revenue opportunity of over $2.5 million in annual earnings.
Technologies: JavaScript, Sass, Jest, Redux, Next.js, GitLab CI/CD, React, GraphQL, Scrum, Agile, Cypress, Git, eCommerce, GitHub, Front-end, Unit Testing, Redux RTK, Jira, React Redux, APIs, REST APIs, CI/CD Pipelines, CSS, JavaScript Testing, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), eCommerce APIs, JSON, ECMAScript (ES6), Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Development (CD), Test-driven Development (TDD), Web & Mobile Applications, Front-end Development, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Testing, User Interface (UI), Webpack, API Integration, Flux, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WCAG 2, SEO Tools, Web, Headless Software, NPM

Front-end Developer | Freelance

2021 - 2022
An Online Freelance Agency
  • Worked with dozens of clients across the globe and made sure to reach their vision through clear communication and by asking the right questions.
  • Built infrastructure and backbone for websites and optimized them to be performant and budget-friendly through AWS and Netlify.
  • Created different highly interactive apps and web games with various scales using bleeding-edge technologies.
  • Managed my workflow with an agile mindset through traditional Agile methods.
  • Negotiated a project scope, worked through changing requirements, and completed requirements under harsh time constraints.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Next.js, Node.js, TypeScript, Canvas, Styled-components, REST APIs, Git, HTML5, CSS3, GitHub, Full-stack, Front-end, Unit Testing, Redux RTK, Redux, SQL, Material UI, React Redux, Single-page Applications (SPA), APIs, Documentation, Technical Documentation, CI/CD Pipelines, Figma, JavaScript Testing, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), eCommerce APIs, AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Back-end, JSON, D3.js, Data Visualization, ECMAScript (ES6), Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Development (CD), Test-driven Development (TDD), Web & Mobile Applications, Konva, Vercel, Front-end Development, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Testing, User Interface (UI), Right-to-Left (RTL) Scripts, RTL, Arabic Typography, Webpack, API Integration, Front-end Design, Axios, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WCAG 2, SEO Tools, Web, Headless Software, NPM, Maps

Front-end Developer

2020 - 2021
  • Helped local shops and gyms create landing pages and portfolio websites using HTML, CSS, Sass, and JavaScript.
  • Developed websites from scratch and created an initial online presence for those clients.
  • Used Gulp to handle bundling and task-running to create highly optimized websites.
Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Sass, Gulp, REST APIs, HTML5, CSS3, Front-end, Figma, Front-end Development, Responsive Web Design (RWD), User Interface (UI), Right-to-Left (RTL) Scripts, RTL, Arabic Typography, Design, Front-end Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), SEO Tools, Web

M Music

A music player and a music library app designed to provide the best user experience and to be capable of performing at a large scale, and it is in continuous development. It is built with bleeding-edge technologies to be a multi-platform app that can be used on the web, mobile, and desktop. The front end is developed with TypeScript, Next.js, Zod, React Query, and Zustand. The back end is built with TypeScript, Node.js, Express, Zod, and Prisma. and the mobile app is created with TypeScript, React Native, Zod, React Query, and Zustand.

I carefully chose the stack of technologies used in this project to provide the best user and developer experience. Using Zod and React Query, I ensured smooth and seamless data flow from the back end to the front end, and by using Prisma, I ensured that the database was always in sync with the back end. I also ensured that the app was scalable using Next.js and React Query for SSR and caching. Using Zustand for state management, I made sure the complex logic of the player would be consistent across platforms which is an extreme win for developer experience,

Calorie Tracker Web App

A fitness and calorie tracker app to accompany your fitness journey. I used Next.js and TypeScript to develop both the front end and back end with Next.js using a sever-less architecture with Vercel's cloud functions, while the front end was created to be server-side rendered for better web vitals and SEO. Also, I implemented request caching and revalidation with React Query, authentication with NextAuth.js, and object validation on runtime with Zod to efficiently handle any invalid data. Data and models were handled with Prisma for the edge in DX and the type of safety it provides.

Quiz Builder

A quiz builder to quickly prototype and build multi-choice quizzes. The back end was created using Express.js. I handled authentication with OAuth2.0 and Passport.js, and the database used was PostgreSQL with Prisma as object-relational mapping (ORM) for typesafe SQL queries. The front end was developed with React and Vite to design and build experience with Tailwind for rapid styling. Finally, both used TypeScript and Zod for data validation and error checking, I implemented caching and revalidation of the server state using React Query and caching of user input through the session storage API.


A weather forecast progressive web application designed with speed in mind, using vanilla web APIs. I developed a front-end user experience using CSS and JavaScript.

I created the front end with caching and progressive web applications standards in mind using the service worker API, so it completely works offline. I implemented client-side rendering as a single-page app using the native history API for extra speed and edge, and I integrated it with weather APIs to look up the current weather and weather forecast based on the users' current geo-location.


A landing page for a fictional company. I created this website from a Figma template using Vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It took me four days to complete, including all of the responsive layouts, functionality, and three breakpoints—desktop, tablet, and mobile. I created this website to showcase my more advanced layout skills, as this design requires vast changes to the layout of the website from each break-point to the next. This requires experience with CSS layouts and features like flex-box, grid, media queries, and much more to pull off smoothly.


JavaScript, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, ECMAScript (ES6), Sass, GraphQL, SQL


Tailwind CSS, Next.js, Express.js, Jest, Redux, React Native, Material UI, Cypress, .NET Core, Flux


React, Node.js, REST APIs, React Router, Passport.js, React Redux, Konva, D3.js


Canvas, NPM, Prisma, Gulp, Git, GitHub, JavaScript Testing, Webpack, CircleCI, GitLab CI/CD, Jira, Figma, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Terraform, Jenkins


Responsive Web Design (RWD), Agile, Unit Testing, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Development (CD), Test-driven Development (TDD), Testing, Scrum, UX Design, Acceptance Testing, DevOps, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


Web, Windows, Docker, AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Vercel, Contentful


Front-end, APIs, Web & Mobile Applications, Front-end Development, User Interface (UI), Right-to-Left (RTL) Scripts, RTL, Arabic Typography, Styled-components, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), eCommerce, Full-stack, Redux RTK, Single-page Applications (SPA), Documentation, Technical Documentation, eCommerce APIs, Back-end, Videos, API Integration, Front-end Design, Axios, WCAG 2, Headless Software, Maps, CI/CD Pipelines, Docusaurus, Data Visualization, Integration Testing, Design, Storybook, SEO Tools




Certified Advanced Web Developer

Udacity | Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of Egypt

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